
Lavender essential oil's seven benefits
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Lavender essential oil's seven benefits

Publish Time: 2021-10-15     Origin: Site

Lavender essential oil is the most effective essential oil and the most widely used essential oil. Use lavender essential oil to skin care, improve sleep, remove scars, remove acne marks, soak your feet, incense, sterilize, repel insects and so on. Inventory of various practical formulas of lavender essential oil. 

1. The effect of lavender essential oil on eczema

Lavender essential oil formula: lotion 25ml/base oil + 3 drops of lavender essential oil + 1 drop of German chamomile essential oil + 1 drop of bergamot essential oil. Apply to the eczema area.

How to use: smear.

The balance properties of lavender essential oil are useful for skin in any state and balance sebum secretion; such as herpes, sunburn, eczema, psoriasis, pus, and scars can all be used lavender essential oil.

2. The effect of lavender aroma oil on muscle sprain 

Lavender essential oil formula: 20ml of sweet almond oil + 4 drops of lavender essential oil + 3 drops of rosemary essential oil + 3 drops of marjoram essential oil.

How to use: Massage the affected area.

Lavender essential oil has analgesic effect and can relieve muscle cramps, sprains, and muscle fatigue.

3. The effect of lavender aroma oil on gaseous distention

Lavender essential oil formula: 20ml of sweet almond oil + 6 drops of lavender essential oil + 2 drops of lemon essential oil + 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.

How to use: Massage the abdomen.

After massage, it can help gastric peristalsis, stimulate bile secretion, and is effective for nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and flatulence.

4. The effect of lavender fragrance oil on joint pain

Lavender essential oil formula: 20ml of sweet almond oil + 4 drops of lavender essential oil + 3 drops of rosemary essential oil + 3 drops of German chamomile essential oil.

Usage: Massage the joints.

Lavender essential oil is effective for arthritis and joint pain.

5. Lavender fragrance oil improve sleeping

Lavender essential oil formula: 3 drops of lavender essential oil + 3 drops of frankincense essential oil.

How to use: incense.

Lavender essential oil can soothe emotions, improve insomnia, migraines, nervousness, panic, and other neurological and mental problems, such as hysteria, tremor, convulsions, etc.

6. The effect of lavender fragrance oil on menstrual pain

Lavender essential oil formula: 20ml of sweet almond oil + 3 drops of lavender essential oil + 3 drops of geranium essential oil + 3 drops of rose essential oil.

How to use: Massage a few days before menstruation, and stop using it after menstruation.

The effects of lavender essential oil on the reproductive system include: treating too little menstrual blood, dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, and relieving postpartum pain.

7. Lavender oil improve respiratory system

Lavender essential oil formula: 2 drops of lavender essential oil + 2 drops of tea tree essential oil + 1 drop of cypress essential oil.

How to use: Inhaling

Lavender essential oil has an antispasmodic effect, and has an effect on bronchitis, asthma, mucous membrane inflammation, and cold throat inflammation.

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