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The introduction of michelia alba flower oil
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The introduction of michelia alba flower oil

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-03-16      Origin: Site

Michelia alba flower oil also known as White Champaca Oil, also popularly known as Magnolia Essential Oil is artisan steam distilled from the delicate flowers of Michelia x alba (synonym Magnolia x alba) plant. Best known for its intoxicating fruity fragrant blossoms, Magnolia is cultivated particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions of China and Southeast Asia. The magnificent aroma of Magnolia blossoms is truly provocative and captivating.

Odour: Sweet, floral & fruity fragrance - Exotic, spicy aroma with nuances of green tea back notesmichelia alba essential oil price - Chinaplantoil

Properties: Anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, calming, warming, anti-spasmodic, antiseptic, stimulant

Blends well with: Basil, Cederwood, Rose, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Sandalwood and other floral scents and all citrus oils

The main constituent of Michelia alba Flower is Linalool, which is well known for its soothing and calming capabilities. The sweet, fruity, exotic scent of Michelia alba is sedating and relaxing, yet uplifting. The aroma is calming and can help ease worry and tension in both the mind and body. Magnolia Flower can also be helpful for minor abrasions, scars, and to increase circulation. It can help relieve congestion, and also discomfort during your monthly cycle.

Benefits and usages of michelia alba essential oil: Aromatically and topical

The Michelia alba flower Oil is widely used in perfumes, bath oils, shower gels, anointing blends, potpourri, facial steam treatments and hair treatments or masks, incense, room fresheners, scented candles and other aromatic products.

When used topically, It is thought to increase the elasticity of the skin, prevent scarring and heal skin irritations. Its overall cleansing effect and its ability to support a healthy inflammatory response make White Champaca/ Magnolia Essential Oil is also a great support to the respiratory, immune, and neurological system providing mood uplifting and stress reduction benefits.

While the properties of Magnolia Oil works to pamper the skin, the fragrance works to promote relaxation, reduce stress, relieve depression and uplift moods. The sweet, fruity, exotic scent of Magnolia Oil is sedating and relaxing, but yet uplifting. Calming and soothing, this exquisite floral essential oil is also reputed for its aphrodisiac properties.

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